Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Fallen

So went for the Petronas interview just now. It was from 8 to 2 and the interview is only for National Service people. So there was only like 9 of us. The whole thing was quite easy actually. No research had to be done or anything. We first had to take some multiple choice question consisting of grammar and those picture sequence thing (like mensa) then after that we were given a case study and would have to present it both individually and as a group.

Which is when the "fun" started ahhaha. Oh man the one on one interview didn't go so well. My mind was like blank. Plus I was so freaking nervous. Shiat. I told you my interview skills sux. I didn't like totally screw it up though but there was so much space for improvement. I could have definitely done much better. The group thing went okay I guess. I really like my group. We worked well together.

Anyways what's done is done. I'll just have to work harder next time.

Man I'm going back to NS tomorrow (no...........). And I don't think there's anymore holidays so I guess I won't be able to come back to KL for another 2 months. Shiat I didn't even get the chance to watch Gubra and I'm gonna miss the premiere of Da Vinci Code. This sux...

you left me a missed call
what did you wanna say
was it good or bad?
should i be worried?
or were you just calling to say you arrived safely
i guess i'll just have to wait for tomorrow for the answer

Song of the moment : Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here


pinkpau said...

omg aira, you can write a song with those lyrics man.

pinkpau said...

looks like u dont need to work harder next time .. :D haha congrats, future chemical engineer!