Friday, April 02, 2010

Hi-Speed Soul

In the past week I've wanted to travel the world (if possibe in a hot air balloon), be a part of a theatre production (a musical would be awesome), a doctor (the closest would be me putting on my labcoat), a pilot own a private plane and work on a cruise ship (ok la boarding one would be enough).

I don't mind spending my weekend like this. Away from everything familiar. No one knew me as I sat on the green coloured cushioned chairs reading my book and listening to Battle Studies waiting for my boarding call. I didn't even mind the delay or that I would be tired at work the next day. All that matter was I was here in this moment and as I looked around there was this calmness in me and I needed that. Freeze frame.

Book of the moment: Forget You Had a Daughter by Sandra Gregory

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