Monday, June 21, 2010

The Long Way Around

My biggest fear was that sooner or later you would realise I was disposable. That you and I had nothing in common and conversations between us doesn't come naturally. That soon I would be just your past and I have no place in your future. There are times when I see it happening, slowly excluding me from conversations, plans but then you would leave a comment or an email, something so simple and I'm pulled back in. But it's getting less frequent now and I'm just waiting for the inevitable. It hurts.  But it's not your fault. You can't force this kinda things. We were brought together by force and now that we've grown we finaly have a choice. A chance to choose the people you want to have in your life. I've faced the facts that I'm not your "person" and it might take some time for me to let go but I think I am finally allowing myself to do it.

Song of the moment : Kris Allen - The Truth